Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Something on my Mind: Left is not Right--It's Wrong

I knew people in Saskatchewan and Manitoba were quite smart, but I didn't know they were that smart. Any province that retains its conservative government (SK) election after election, or throws out an NDP government in a landslide (MB) must have some smarts.

I think Alberta has some lessons to learn from our neighbours to the east.

In fact, those provinces are going to become so attractive to rational, reasonable Albertans that I predict a migration of good people to both provinces. Methinks some were waiting to see how the two elections would turn out first. Now there's nothing to stop them.

People may flee Alberta because there's no work here (sort of true) and there's no longterm future here (maybe more true). If one can't feed or lead his family, it's time to move on to safer, saner pastures. After all, if the parents can't take care of their own kids, who will?

Not a great question in this present environment.

See, if our "friends" in Edmonton continue going down the path of governmental intrusion and delusion, they will take over the family. Not just the family farm or the famliy income, but the family itself.

I'm not sure about you, but that scares the you-know-what out of me.

The appeal to leave Alberta, then, is two-fold: One, there's no evil socialism dressed up in a tie or a dress; and two, there are no insane and inane bills that destroy family farms and personal propriety, Bill 6 and 10, respectively.

I'd consider going myself , but then I'd run out of fodder to write about—you know, no anti-socialist rant. It would be hard to attack a good conservative government. I'd have to write about Canadian hockey teams playing in the playoffs—but then, what would I write about after April 1?

One of the more recent stings is when our government flat out lies about parental choice in education. Granted, I have a strong bias (conviction, actually) towards private and home education. I see the place for charter, alternative, parochial, and even public education. That's the perspective of a pretty rational person, wouldn't you say?

If every stakeholder in education could talk like that, things would be a lot different.

The lies (more than mere "misinformation") in question have to do with funding. The charge from our politicians and other equally-uninformed comrades is that private and home education are being funded on the taxpayers' dime and should be eliminated.

That's an out-and-out lie, no question about it. All education is funded on the taxpayers' dime: When everything shakes down, private schools are funded at a portion of the public schools, and home schools are funded at a fraction of even private schools.

In fact, in the homeschool world in which I spend a lot of time, it is reputed that in one year, home schools saves the government millions of dollars—and private school aren't far behind. I'll write that again, but phrase it differently, so you get it: Private and home education save (that is, do not cost) the government millions of dollars every year. Repeat: save money, not cost money.

Multiply that by ten, even twenty, years, and we're talking hundreds of millions of dollars in savings. This is like the golden goose of education: Don't destroy that which is good and profitable.

So next time some clown prattles on about how expensive private and home schooling in Alberta is, correct them. Correct them by pushing back, by writing letters to the editor, by being part of a peaceful protest, and by presenting the facts.

From the top to the bottom—and I don't know who is where—we all need to let politicians, bureaucrats, civic authorities, and really, anyone with clout, know that lies about thefundamental rights of parental choice will not be tolerated.

So, if you are heading to the land of the Roughriders and Blue Bombers, so long, farewell. See you in about three years when get our province back.

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