Thursday, June 15, 2017

Something on my Mind: Untie the Right

No, the heading is not a typo. More on that later.

It should come to you as no surprise that I really feel good about the "unite the right" movement that growing in this province. A fractured conservative populace and divided conservative parties over these past few years became the breeding ground that allowed the leftist sweep two years ago.

Shame on us.

Finally, Albertans are not only waking up to some harsh political realities, but they are now starting to actually do something about it. Good on us.

Personally, I have become active in my local constituency association (CA) in recent months as a result of the distress this province is facing. I meet on a monthly basis with my MLA and other motivated and concerned conservatives. It has been a joy to work with them.

Something has to be done to snatch the power from the NDP before they destroy Alberta any further. It's still two years until the next election (May 2019), and they could do even further unimaginable damage.

This column is not about bashing the socialists and their ill-conceived (but well-planned) agenda, even though it's well-deserved. Rather, it's about the hope I have in Alberta's future.

The right has been divided for a myriad of reasons and years for a while, and we have all paid the bitter price. An NDP-led government has been the result, but we can't let it happen again.

Wildrose became the new right-wing response to a left-wing conservative party (an oxymoron if there ever was one) slippage. As with all right-wing parties, there's always a loopy fringe element that was attracted to Wildrose. I believe the powers-that-be have been able to vet those types.

Unless, of course, I'm considered part of that loopy fringe element. (What's my greatest vice: I like the Canucks?)

"Putting egos aside," was one line I heard last night at a joint Wildrose-Progressive Conservative barbecue. There's a growing (and necessary) unity movement within the Progressive Conservatives and the Wildrose parties. A strong right-wing, small "c" conservative party (called the "United Conservative Party") is what will save Alberta from yet another four years of miserable socialist leadership in Alberta.

The barbecue last night, a mix of movers and shakers in my CA, was a good start. Among the small group there were three ex-MLA's, the sitting MLA, farmers, professionals, and business people, a mayor and councillor (from different jurisdictions), plus a county-famous columnist...

That's the reason I had "untie" instead of "unite" in my witty heading. Both parties have been all "tied up" in their own philosophies. They need to be "untied," in order to embrace the broader picture, namely, one strong conservative party.

I have heard that the lost investment in Alberta is in the billions since Notley and her minions took over. The senseless bills in agriculture, education, and the environment will be part of the NDP legacy when they leave office in just under two years.

And the baseless climate change miscalculations and the carbon footprint scare tactics are two more serious missteps on the part of the NDP. I just wish they had their scientific facts straight and the good of Albertans in their plans.

And maybe, just maybe, talk to the people first before these bills are passed.

It will take years to recover from the messy eggs they have laid, so there is no time to lose in getting ready for the "right" party to get in. As the history of politics has proven for decades, right across Canada, only a (small "c") conservative party (fiscally and socially) is truly fit to lead any jurisdiction.

First we untie, then we unite, and we should get our province back.

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