Monday, March 5, 2018

Something on my Mind: Gun Control, Florida-style (1)

Every now and then, I will tackle some current event, and present a factual and common sense perspective. I say that only because many of my conservative sources happen to access liberal news outlets—CBC, CNN, New York Times, etc.--allowing me to peruse other sources of news. Those sources are unreliable at best, false at worst.

The obvious trouble with my "news" column is timing: By the time the story hits the newspaper, the news is not only old, but it's buried. So often what I am commenting on is "yesterday's news" (literally).

So bear with my attempt to show that, despite this news being weeks old, there is another side to it that perhaps we haven't considered.

Take, for example, the horrific shooting of those high school students in Parkland, Florida, a few weeks ago. Everything about the story—and I mean everything-- was tragic. Let me count the ways:

First, of course, were the seventeen lives that were snuffed out needlessly. This was a one-sided war, with the victims having neither warning nor defensive weapons.

Second, the countless people that have been injured, and by the time this goes to press, they may end up in the first category. And even if they don't die, they may have permanent damage to their bodies and minds.

Third, the school community there, and elsewhere, will never be the same. Families and staff will have been traumatized and changed forever--and understandably.

And fourth, the gun store owner who sold the kid those weapons. He is so upset with his inadvertent part in the massacre that he closed his shop down. He's another bloodless victim, even though he was an innocent businessman.

Now here's where it gets even more ugly: The utter, deplorable incompetence of the local county law authorities and the FBI: I read news story after video clip after column, and discovered one gaffe after another, There were warnings, tips, visits, and social media postings, but no one in authority took them seriously or followed them up. I've read where this killing spree could have been prevented if the authorities simply did their job.

But they didn't, and in fact waited outside with guns drawn, but failed to enter the school. So now we're having the following discussion...again.

This last fallout is the one I will comment on: One of the greatest debacles is the politicizing of this massacre by the Left, and the renewed push for gun control. And who can forget America's resident buffoon, Michael Moore, comparing the NRA to ISIS? In addition to that, many wussy corporations are distancing themselves from the NRA. If it wasn't so frighteningly juvenile, it would be laughable.

Their "logic" is as follows: If gun control was in place, this would never have happened. Thus, we need gun control laws so this won't ever happen again. That, of course, is absolutely moronic.

Nothing could be further from the truth, of course, and I pray to God Almighty that those behind these stupid rants and accusations never get their way. As I've stated in this space before (and probably will have to again), an unarmed populace is always available for further butchering.

I know this is very much an American story, but it has Canadian ramifications. Hoods respect neither laws nor boundaries. A defenceless target is an available target, no matter side of the border they are on.

So the thinking is that Nikolas Cruz wouldn't have done what he did if there was a gun control law? Really? Gun control would have stopped him dead in his tracks? Seriously? He just would have gotten his gun and ammo elsewhere.

There are many other factors that go into curbing this violence, and I do agree that it must be confronted. None of them, by the way, rhyme with "gun control." Limited accountability, failing family life, easy money, mindless social media habits, and shallow purposelessness are some of the many factors that contributed to these kinds of rampages.

The checks and balances that were in place to help this kid broke down, despite the multitude of warnings over the years. Gun control is not the issue here and should not be part of the discussion, regardless of how loud the leftist media howl.

As family life, the bedrock for law and order, continues to implode, we can expect even more of these scenarios to unfold.

What we really need is more parent control, not gun control

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