Monday, May 7, 2018

Something on my Mind: What's that Again? (2)

Double standards are a very real challenge to our thinking these days. I actually struggle with them myself betimes. Last week we looked at four areas where words or expressions mean one thing here, but another thing there. It very unsettling.

But it's not just the media that's inconsistent. It's also found in politics, schools, and late night talk shows, but actually, it's mostly in our own thinking.

Here are some more:

5. I dealt with the following in this space a few weeks ago, but it bears repeating: Why the push for certain rights and privileges based on skin colour (as in black), while at the same time denouncing the "advantage" of skin colour (as in white)? It can't be one-sided.

Either skin colour preference (ie., racial discrimination) is wrong, or it's right. It can't be wrong for some, but right for others. That's inconsistent and illogical. I suggest that all people are valuable, and discriminating on the basis of colour is ugly racism, pure and simple.

There is a race issue, to be sure, but it's not based on colour. We're all one race, the human race. We may be different nationalities or cultures, and they should be celebrated. Isn't it funny how we never hear about the Irish privilege, Jamaican privilege, or Laotian privilege—only "white" privilege.

If there is any privilege, it's cultural privilege, although I would still fight that misconception. We should be colour blind when it comes to esteeming people. People waving the "privilege" flag should really be pouring their efforts into real issues—like initiative, industriousness, work ethic, and such.

6. Have you ever noticed that certain countries have been labelled as the arch-enemy of democracy, justice, rights, and freedom? And they get denounced for this injustice or that bondage by the very people who are actually benefitting from living in those "evil" places!

I speak of countries like Canada, the USA,, Australia, Great Britain, and South Africa, some of the world's most convenient "whipping boys." But pray tell, what countries are refugees and immigrants flocking to these days, anyway they can?

You got it: Canada, the USA, Australia, Great Britain, and South Africa.

Have you ever heard of immigrants and refugees sneaking into Mexico? Or taking an over-crowded dinghy into Libya? Crossing the desert into Iraq? Flocking into Zimbabwe? I didn't think so. And I never read of Muslim refugees fleeing from Muslim countries and heading to other Muslim countries.

Funny how these bastions of democracy, justice, rights, and freedom (Canada, etc.) are providing for the world what other countries cannot, or worse, will not provide.

Another double standard, friends: These are the greatest countries in the world ,yet there is a growing anarchist element within trying to tear down the freedoms that made them so great. (This smacks of the "golden goose" syndrome that I wrote about a while ago.)

7. Finally, let's consider the word "free" in some subsequent columns. I will tease you here, as I am running out of space. I will need to develop a couple of columns on this topic alone over the next couple of weeks.

In the meantime, look for words or concepts that smack of a double standard. You may be amazed at their frequency.

So for now, "chill," which could be taken two ways...

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