Monday, January 1, 2018

Something on my Mind: A Robust New Year

I assume the turkey is gone now, and I don't mean Cousin Reggie. I think I used that line a few years ago, and I still think it's funny.

My New Year's Wish List is eclectic and long, but I have shortened it to just six wishes, so now it's just eclectic. The following are my genuine hopes in no particular order:

1. Opioid users. A lot of opioid drug users have perished in Alberta in 2017, and I pray to God this gets resolved. I do know that between the two western provinces alone hundreds have lost their lives over these past two years, and thousands throughout Canada.

And don't forget all the first responders who put their lives on the line, especially when there is a powder residue that can do some serious damage. These gallant men and women get lost in the news, at risk as they attend to the drug victims.

So all in all, there's the cost of lives lost, health issues, and stealing to pay for the habit. I just trust the powers-that-be can get a handle on it, so that 2018 will not be the worst year ever.

2. Good government. Am I biased? Of course I am. But my bias is based on fact and history, and I long for the day when all left-leaning governments in Canada are defeated and there's none left (pun mercilessly intended).

As any student of history who relies on facts, economics, and common sense knows, I am niot aware of one good, healthy socialist government in any country, in any era, bar none. We need conservative leadership everywhere.

3. Good government (again). On the positive side of the ledger, what we need here in Canada, and that includes our own province, are governments that are fiscally and socially conservative. That means, in everyday language, leadership that is pro-free enterprise, pro-common sense. pro-life, and pro-family.

I wanted to use the term "pro-choice," too, but that has been hijacked and re-worked to mean the opposite of choice. But I resist the urge to rant any further.

4. Colour blind. That seems a strange title, but I'm trying to say something about race relations. I know it's more prevalent in the States (or maybe just more underhanded here in Canada). This nonsensical talk about "white" supremacy, and "black" lives matter, and "redskin," must stop. The issue is not about the colour of one's skin; it has always been about the content of one's culture.

It is raw, unmitigated racial silliness that decisions are made because of the white, black, or red skin, when what has fueled it has been what has been taught and caught, seen and heard, and valued and vetted.

5. Educational options. I write this wish not only as a former classroom teacher, but as a home education supervisor, a parent, grandparent, neighbour, friend, and citizen. I believe options must be options and that includes full choice for public, private, and home education; for day school and home school; including heavily academic options, as well as sports, arts, and trades, and everything in between.

That is a pretty balanced view of education. Maybe Mr. Kenney should phone me when he gets in power in a couple of years and make me his education minister. I doubt he would be that desperate (and neither would I). It's a thankless task, no matter who is in power.

The key is parental choice for and control over whatever education model they espouse.

6. Robust health. If you're well, there's nothing like it; if you're unwell, well, there's nothing like it either. I wish you one and all a very robust (love that word; how'd you guess?) and healthy 2018. Get lots of sleep, drink lots of water, and read lots of books.

It's been a good year so, far, even though it's just a few hours old.

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