Thursday, March 14, 2019

Something on my Mind: They're Only Acting (1)

I have found that one of life's greatest pleasures for me has been acting. Over the years, usually through grade school, I have played some interesting roles. In recent years, I have had a part in two movies: In one, I am old Isaac from the Bible in a western; and in the other, I am a Roman centurion, without a name. I think "Delirious" would have been a good one.

But acting is one thing, being an actor is another. Actors (and I include actresses; I just don't want to write both words repeatedly) may do well in front of the camera, but it's their lifestyle off site that I have massive issues with. Re-stated: in front of the camera they're somewhere between "okay" and "good"; outside, in the real world, they are out of control.

Like the antics of athletes that I wrote about recently, I think many actors are over-rated, mostly for off site persona. I have heard of many who are terrible to work with. I wonder where they get this sense that the sun rises and falls on them.

Only in Hollywood can an employee say things they don't mean, be given god-like status for any number of reasons, but mostly because of their acting prowess or the shape of their body. And get filthy rich (more filthy than rich) while they're at it.

They can be as promiscuous as possible, something seen as good thing by the general populace. And while they are at it, they can be as defiant or irreligious as possible, too, all simply because of their status.

And these are the same heroes and heroines that our kids look up to. And it's not just the kids that have created a cult following among Hollywood's elite. Are these healthy role models?

As stated three paragraphs ago, I like acting, but I like good actors (and by extension, good movies). There are many of the latter, though once they are involved in unnecessary sex, bad language, or gratuitous violence, I'm out.

I struggle with what goes on in front of the camera (see above). But I also struggle with what goes on off site. It gets worse when they start giving their opinion about any number of issues, most of which they know nothing about. And even worse yet, they're given some sort of credibility by the unthinking public.

It is so hard to believe how many people are duped by these dupes.

For people who never have an original line in their profession, how can they actually express an original thought about anything significant, issues such as pipelines, the oil patch, economics, abortion, or gender issues.

If you ever waste your time trying to listen to these people when they get in front of a mic, you'll hear them always bashing anything conservative. Their targets are values, families, worldviews, and, of course, the usual whipping boy, governments. This makes them very popular with their snowflake fans.

We are all entitled to our opinions, no problem there. I'm expressing mine here. This is what marks a free society, and that is why many of us conservatives are alarmed at the growing muzzlement (not a word, Maurice) we feel these days. That's why it is so ironic that those with really nothing positive or substantial to say are not muzzled.

Many of the actors and actresses have so little content, yet generate so much talk. And that's only when they are not reading other peoples' lines for them.

There's a lot of bad actors out there, in more ways than one.

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