Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Something on my Mind: They're Only Acting (2)

I suppose I could criticize any number of careers and be justified doing so. I have issues with parts of some of the ones in which I have been employed these past forty years—mailman, preacher, teacher, and writer. But none set themselves up for such legitimate criticism as the acting fraternity.

I have suggested some issues in my previous column. I will repeat them and add a couple more:

1. saying things they don't mean or didn't even think up (via a script);

2. pretend to be someone they are not;
3. assume a significance in society that is not deserved or earned;

4. once they are on the way to "success," they throw out morality and propriety;

5. and are abject failures in their private lives (continuation of #4).

I alluded to some good actors a few columns ago. I know little about their respective personal lives, so I can't claim them as paragons of virtue.

From what I can tell, though, in addition to their great acting, they were also great people away from the camera. I see those actors as a different breed than the current roster. They weren't as empty as the ones we have now. I don't recall any of them taking "centre stage," about "this issue" or "that controversy." They had the liberty to do so, but common sense to not.

I am trying to recall movie that the aforementioned have been in in where there was unnecessary sex, bad language or gratuitous violence. I don't recall where life was portrayed in a false, empty way, where it was always wonderful, the grass was always green, and everyone lived always happily ever after.

Hollywood has its place, I suppose, in some quarters. I like entertainment as much as the next person, but I have to remind myself that they're only acting. I must take everything with a grain of salt. The last thing I need is Hollywood instructing me about religion, sex, inter-personal relationships, economics, the law and such.

I am cutting Hollywood some slack, because every now and then they actually come out with some terrific scenes that are very, very good. Roma, I hear, is a good example of that.

In a general sense, though, we must watch for these characters becoming role models or beacons of instruction for our children...and even for us old guys! And that includes the "good" ones I just referenced.

I don't know what goes on when the camera is not rolling. All I know is what I see when I am watching.

I get weary is when these guys and their liberal bedfellows are anarchistic, defiant, and, well, stupid, when it comes to expressing their opinion. There is hardly a day where some member of the Hollywood cult isn't attacking the aforementioned institutions.

Ponder this: Given an opportunity to speak their mind, ie., not use someone else's words, they come up empty-handed (or would that be empty-headed?). Many of them, who are on their last dollar, or their last gig was years ago (hello, Darryl Hanna or Lindsay Lohan), feel they have to shoot their mouth off repeatedly (but are "firing blanks"). Or feel the need to get involved in some social or environmental issue, without doing the research and knowing what they're talking about.

Surprise, surprise.

These guys are way in over their heads. They're just against anything that resembles law and order, conservatism, or a well-ordered society. Or worse, there's enough truth in what they're saying that they sound credible.

Hollywood is a mess and is overrun with these sorts of people. I am thankful to say, there are some solid, sound actors—though few and far between—who also have strong, rational conservative views.

In the main, when it comes to actors and actresses, my advice is to stick to the script. The script may not be them, but it's better than what they could offer off the set.

Please keep the acting where it belongs.

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