Tuesday, July 15, 2008


I stepped outside the other day, sans hat, and suffered the worse case of sunstroke I had ever experienced in my life. By the time I staggered in, I was craving to go back to school, cheering for the Calgary Flames, and voting NDP.

Seriously, folks: Is it hot out there, or what? Are these the days that make you want the January blizzards to come? Not quite? I agree. It's hot, but not that hot – at least not yet.

Our routine down here in Funstonville is to work outside in the morning, inside in the afternoon, and a mix in the evening. And when I say "in the morning," I mean no later than 8:00. I still see that as sleeping in. Some of my eldest see it a little differently: Anything earlier than 9:00 AM during summer holidays is akin to taking a monk's vow for self-discipline.

It is intriguing how creative a parent can be down here in Southern Alberta, what with the limited lakes, parks, and other free recreational areas. I have discovered an excellent swimming hole, a tubing adventure, volleyball at an neighbour's farm, and enough tennis courts to keep Roger Federer happy for a year.

Back in my Kamloops days, I had access to approximately 100 lakes, all for fishing in or swimming in. You guessed it: I never used any of them. For all the fishing I could have done, my best catch of the day was at Safeway, the next aisle over from the hamburger.

I know there is a plethora of student-run, government-supported programmes to keep all of our young people busy (read: out of Mom's hair). I sincerely think that is great, though we as a family don't participate. My main caution would be getting our kids too dependent on programmes and people outside the family unit. I know that sounds quite political but methinks it's a reasonable outlook.

Some of you are likely saying, Boy, he's got sunstroke again. Not really. There are plenty of families out there who want to do things as a family, with other families, in family-safe environments. One can no longer be too cautious, unfortunately.

So, whether it is time, money, or content, parents today need to be creative for the sake of their children. To us (so I am now speaking on behalf of my wife as well), simply having other people provide our kids' entertainment, occupy their free time, and control what they do and when they do it, it not the way to go.

Believe it or not, the same could be said for all these great Bible camps out there: Just because it involves the Bible (for me), doesn't mean it is a safe and happy environment.

Hence, we expend that extra effort to find things that are inexpensive, wholesome, and meaningful. Do we succeed each time? Are you kidding? It is a goal – a philosophy of life, if you will – that we are constantly aiming at.

Summertime is a great time for re-grouping for families, for re-charging the domestic battery, if you will. It is at the end of the summer, however, that the kids are anxious to get back to school (in whatever form you choose), and the parents are wasted from being so creative and innovative

Or maybe even suffering from sunstroke.

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