Saturday, August 28, 2010

Of Boomerangs and Swastikas and Pyramids


The speaker caught me by surprise, just like I would like to catch you by surprise. He wanted to test his audience, as I will now, as to how boomerangs, swastikas, and pyramids are linked.

You see, when I say boomerang, you will likely think either of Australia or Rolf Harris; swastika, and Adolf Hitler comes to mind. Pyramids, of course, are associated with Egypt. This speaker guy went on to show that these three seemingly unrelated objects had a common origin. But they also have a common presence all over this planet, as I write this

The link, of course, has to do with time and space. In other words, all three have been around for a long, long time, and have been discovered in many various parts of the world – not just in Australia, Germany, and Egypt.

The speaker, we'll call him Mr. Nelson, went on to show, through a very convincing power point presentation, how the boomerang – or some variation of it - is found in countries from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe. It appears that this tool has been around for thousands of years, used by thousands of hunters.

He was equally convincing about the swastika: Found worldwide, it appears on pottery, handrails, wall carvings, and many other places, and in every case it is a very positive symbol. He showed subway railings in Korea, for example, with the swastika as part of the ironworks. And I recollect it was the Hopi Indians, and their wall carvings, believed that all First Nations people had started out as one entity at one point and place in time (symbolized by the centre of the swastika), only to be scattered (signified by the four L-shaped arms) to various parts of the world.

It is a supreme tragedy that this particular symbol was hijacked by the arch-villain of the Third Reich.

The most intriguing of the three, for me, was the pyramid. Believe it or not, pyramids, or at least some form of such are in Egypt (as we all know), China, the USA, Mexico, and parts of South America, and parts of the Far East – mostly in Cambodia. They all have the same shape:

a large base that led to a small surface, a stairwell up the centre, and some sort of religious operation at the top - usually a temple. As people migrated from the alleged central spot (somewhere in the Middle East), the use and need for the pyramids changed, including even its identity.

Like the boomerang and swastika, the purpose of the pyramid varied from century to century, from culture to culture. Re-worked purposes are not new. An example today would be in our cell phones and cars. What they were used for yesteryear is different from they are used for today. Likewise, a pyramid that was once used for star-gazing (Babylon) became a monstrous crypt (Egypt), which evolved into a place for both the worship of the sun and the offering of human sacrifices (Mexico).

This Mr. Nelson laid out the time line of these three objects (and there were more, but time ran out), and how they originated from a certain area around the same point in time. His evidence pointed to southern Iraq. A migration from there to the far-flung "corners" (how does a globe have corners?) of the earth, and these primitive tools and experiences were part of the trek.

Nelson went on to strongly suggest - I would say "proved" - that many of the above and other weapons and habits and tools originated from a place we know as the Tower of Babel. Both Alexander the Great and Saddam Hussein knew the significance of such a site, and both attempted to replicate it on the spot. Even a casual Google search lends credence to this theory.

His sources were anything but religious, which somehow (wrongly) gave it more credibility. The historical-biblical account shows that after the Great Flood there was one people, speaking one language, scheming with one purpose to "reach up to heaven." They had congregated on these particular plains in Iraq, and had gone ahead to built this massive structure, which became a prototype of a pyramid.

Through the hand of the Divine, this group was broken up into different language divisions. This caused them to gravitate towards each the same-language people and away from other people who didn't speak the same language. As they moved out, they took their weapons and habits and tools (for example, boomerangs and swastikas) with them. Hence, the widespread evidence of a common origin.

Makes for interesting mental fodder. Some day we'll chase down the scores of Great Flood theories out there. Makes you wonder why this information has been held back from us.

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